Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Year, New You!

This is a little early.... But we only have a little over 45 days until we start making our new, new years resolutions! I haven't ever really made new years resolutions. Mostly because I don't commit to them. Last year I made the exception and vowed to be healthier and to be better about my finances. Though I never put any specifics with that, I have gotten better at both. I still have a little bit of time to get even better. So, I am going to re-re-restart working out. This time I am going to be specific. It's easier to let things slide when you have only committed to yourself. But now, I am going to actually put this on the interwebs!! Maybe it will help me stick with it. I have already made the commitment not to drink Dr. Pepper until March of next year (this has not been the easiest of pledges, but so far, I am holding on). My next choice is to loose at least a total of 11 pounds. That might seem a little drastic, but I am estimating that about 6 pounds of that being my normal fluctuating weight. As I am in a up in fluctuation and haven't been great about drinking my water. Plus, I am a short girl and a little... shows a lot! I am not expecting this to be easy (as it is the Holiday season....), but I can SO do this. And who knows, maybe next year I will make a REAL new years resolution!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ticket for one please!

Well if you know me even a little it would be easy to guess that I don't really like doing anything alone. Sure I love my me time, but in the past that consisted of staying in... Until a few weeks ago. I found a new love!! Going to the movies alone!! I always swore (which as I've been told before you should not do) that I would never go to the movies alone. For several reasons this idea seem crazy to me. One; what would people think?! Second, what can be fun about going to the movies alone? And of course, What would people think? Wow, really?! How conceded to think others even cared so much?! Even if they did, SO WHAT! Right?! Well, one Saturday I decided I wanted to watch a certain movie. The option of going with someone was slim so, I went for it. I jumped out there (ALONE) and went to the show. Can you guess what happened next? If your guess is she loved it?! You my friend would be the winner of this round! For so many more (and might I add reasonable) reasons I choose to go to the movies alone. I've had the few "Why's?" and "Really's?!" as I tell people. My answer is always this, "I know. I never thought I would be that type of person who could, or would want to." It's amazing how much fun you can have when you step out of your comfort zone . This just goes to show you what even a little Faith can do for you. This might not seem like anything to some, but for me this was a great step forward in my walk of Faith. You may not get it, and that's ok, because I need to be done with the "What would people think" syndrome I have been so obsessed with in the past. This seems to be pretty much all I have, if you continue past the picture, you will see a list of why I prefer a "Ticket for one please!"

1.) Its cheaper!
2.) You don't have to share the popcorn!
3.) You get to pick the movie!
4.) You get to pick the best seat (that is if you get there early enough)! Oh and if you are wondering I will share with you the best seat..... ARE YOU KIDDING, I CAN NOT TELL YOU!!! It took a few trys to find out that secret!!
5.) Why not?!
6.) There isn't a law about having to go to the movies with someone!
7.) 'Me' time is far tooo under rated these days!
8.) You don't have to fake laugh at the jokes you don't get!
9.) You can laugh at the jokes other company might not find as funny!
10.) Not caring what others think is incredibly freeing and thrilling! Yes THRILLING!!
11.) NO ONE talks to you during the movie, or asks "What did he/she say?"
12.) Why miss out on anything just because someone did go with you? So, reason number 12, you wont miss out on a movie just because someone didn't go with you!
13.) You don't have to share the arm rest!
14.) Well I at this time couldn't think of a # 14, but I didn't want to leave this on a 13... :::GASP::: What would people think of that?! haha

Needless to say, even if some of the reasons are selfish-y these are all reasonable reasons! Folks, don't miss out on something you might enjoy immensely just because of what others might think. Jump out there and try something you normally wouldn't do alone and do it (ALONE)! = )

Happy 'me' time to you!

PS~ The fine print..... Third 'full' row from the back very middle seat... there I told you! See how unselfish-y of me that was!! Just don't take that seat from a show I am attending please. That wouldn't be polite!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Essences attributed to life's adventures: A Majestic inventory to be considered before my untimely demise

Ok, so you might be wondering what the heck kind of post is this going to be? Well, if you don't speak Brandi (as I am sure not many people do) this is a bucket list!! I had to name it something other than 'Bucket List'!! How boring would that be?!!! There are tons of things I want to do before I meet my Creator. Though I am 100% positive none of this can come close to the awesomeness that is God, most of what I would love to live long enough to do is see some amazing other things God has created. So here is my bucket list...

         Essences attributed to life's adventures: A Majestic inventory to be considered before my
                                                               untimely demise:

1. Hike The Taum Sauk Mountain State Park (1/2 check, made it there, but arrived late so only hiked a little. I shall try again!! No mountain, big or small shall defeat me!! = )
2. Hike The Blue John Canyon
3. Bungee Jump
4. Watch a meteor shower
5. Visit tons of European countries (some specifics are listed individually later on)
6. See the Northern Lights of Alaska
7. Walk all of the stairs of The Statue of Liberty
8. Sky Dive
9. Learn to speak a different language
10. Ride a motorcycle
11. Go lumber jack camping (you know... really rugged camping)
12. Learn to surf (not getting killed by a shark would be a great plus!!)
13. Send a message in a bottle
14. Take the Hunters Safety Course
15. Become Belay certified
16. Change some one's life for the better
17. Learn Archery
18. Learn to Snowboard (successfully)
19. Ride in a hot air balloon
20. Go to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France
21. Go to the Smithsonian Museum
22. Go to Israel
23. Restore a 1967 Blue Mustang Convertible
24. See Petra
25. Have a bon fire party at the beach
26. Fall in love
27. Adopt a child
28. Dance in the rain (not by myself... otherwise that looks kinda silly)
29. Go on another mission trip outside of the United States
30. Visit the American Cemetery for U.S. Military in Normandy, France (it is possible that my Great Uncle David is buried there. He was killed while parachuting on D-Day)
31. Visit Arlington Cemetery and place a flower on every single gravestone
32. Go on a no destination road trip
33. Go on a Mediterranean Cruise
34. Eat beignets in the French Quarter
35. Have a pet fish family named Norman Cornelius Splashington I, Norman Cornelius Splashington II, Norman Cornelius Splashington III, Norman Cornelius Splashington IV, Norman Cornelius Splashington V, and a vegetarian shark named Eggbert Hoover Noble The Nice
36. Release 50 scripture balloons
37. Go to Cornerstone
38. Go to California
39. Own an olive green Vespa
40. Live in an another state for one month all by myself
41. Backpack through Scotland, England and Ireland
42. Help lead at least one person to Christ
43. Pet a lion cub
44. Go white water rafting
45. Go cliff diving
46. Experience weightlessness
47. See U2 live
48. Run a marathon
49. Eat real Italian pizza in Italy
50. Eat all kinds of devil-ish goodies from Carlo's Bakery in New Jersey
51. Drive an Astin Martin Vanquish
52. Be on Survivor
53. Hike Mount Yasur, Vanuatu
54. Go to New Zealand
55. See blooming Cherry Blossoms in Japan
56. Visit Devil's Garden
57. Go to a natural thermal spa in Turkey
58. Drive on the Bonneville Salt Flats going at least 150 MPH
59. Expand my button collection
60. Paint something someone will admire

Well that is all I have for now... perhaps I can add more and mark some off the list!!!!

                                                         Happy lion chasing to you,


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A new day

Well my ever so faithful followers, I  have not been so faithful in my blog posting! So much has happened since my last post, yet I'm not so sure any of it was really worth posting about. I will catch you up... Well I am finally moved into a new home. Though I have yet to actually unpack everything or put my designing abilities to work, this is home!  I am well on my way to a much healthier life! This has taken some time to get motivated on a constant basis, but finally I have gotten into a 'routine' so to speak. In fact as soon as I send this post I will be heading for the track, as I start two a day work outs. Never thought I would ever be saying that!!! I am eating so much healthier, with out depriving myself of the yumminess that is junk food (that's saved for the weekends). I am currently reading 'In A Pit with A Lion on A  Snowy Day' a must read that I recommend a million times over!!!!!!! As it is about a couple of particular verses that not only inspired this blog but a much loved tattoo of mine! Well i must be going, as I have a commitment to myself (and now all of you since I've mentioned it already). Off to the track I go!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lesson of the day:

This will be a short one.

Though I have always believed and said this on occasion, never build people up beyond what they can be. Never put people on a pedestal. They will, with out fail, end up only being what any of us are. Which is human. Sometimes we make mistakes that affect others in a way that we wish it never would.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Something New -- Miracle Mask

Well I'm trying something new... I will be the first to admit that I am obsessed with Pinterest. Sometimes I try new things like recipes, makeup techniques and beauty/spa treatments. When I try something that I feel is note worthy I will share with you.

First up: Miracle Mask

It's simple, smells wonderful and works like... well a miracle!

The mix:

Two teaspoons of honey (I used a crystallized honey which gave a great scrub texture)

One teaspoon ground cinnamon

One teaspoon ground nutmeg

Mix well, spread over face, and relax for 30 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water while rubbing in small circles.

The why: Honey softens your skin by moisturizing. Honey also helps reduce acne scars and calms your face by reducing redness. Cinnamon Is actually an antiseptic. Meaning it will kill the pesky bacteria causing pimples and acne. The texture of the cinnamon adds some texture that will help scrub out and cleanse your pores. Lastly, nutmeg is an anti-inflammatory. Also, nutmeg helps in reducing acne scars.

The outcome:

Smooth, soft, clean skin!! Even after applying my daily tinting of foundation, powder and eye color my face doesn't feel heavy. I will definitely be doing this one again. My skin can be sensitive, but the honey worked great at soothing and cleaning my face. I didn't even feel the need to use a moisturizer afterwords.

The look:


I would test the underside of your wrist first. Just incase you have an adverse reaction to the cinnamon or nutmeg.

Monday, February 14, 2011

LoveDay EveryDay

Today is a day (Valentines Day) of either expressing your love for your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/fiance

oorrrr, it is a day of remembering how lame you feel for being (what seems like the only one for 100 miles), dare I say it...... single.

Usually I am the latter... OK every year of my life I have been the latter.

BUT this year (in a sudden epiphany at lunch today) I have decided to spend the day appreciating the One who has provided an endless love for me (and anyone else who chooses to accept it).  The One of course being God.

One of my favorite verses is

Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst,
a Mighty One who will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness;
He will quiet you by His love;
He will exult over you with loud singing.

Reading this verse reminds me of God's love and un-dieing devotion to always be with us, to always use His
strength to save us, He will use His love to calm us, and to (by His voice) raise us up and make us better than
we could ever actually be.

God is so loving (the only One who can honestly say that His love is unconditional), His promises will
never fail, He gives an endless supply of flowers, sends birds to fill our days with music, has given the
ultimate gift (the only true Knight in Shining Armor), He made the sky twinkle better than any diamond
(which He made also, but we don't have to pay for the stars), He has written a book full of love letters, with
all of that (and so much more that I could never actually have time and space to write out) who needs any
other Valentine???

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Becoming Debt Free

God has laid it on my heart to be a good steward of my money. Although I haven't racked up millions or even thousands in debt, I can be better at managing my finances. To many times we hear on the news, or in our personal life (and especially when one works at a bank) about peoples financial problems. I want to take an active step in making sure that I plan smartly for my future. With that said, I do think some people 'over' plan or save to the point that they are consumed with the idea of money.  In order to become debt free, being a better planner for future finances and budgeting money one first must seek God's advice. Below you will find some verses that I find fitting to this outrageously growing problem call debt.

Philippians 4:19   
~ First and for most, we must not look to ourselves or 'our' money for a security only God can provide.

Malachi 3:10
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”
~ Secondly but just as important as #1. God commands us to give a tithe from the top. I can assure you, not only by my experience but also by testaments of others that God not only will provide your needs, but He is pretty awesome and provides more.

Proverbs 25:28He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a broken down city without a wall.
~In other words, if you can't control yourself (spending) you are hurting yourself and potentially those closest to you.

Luke 14:28-30For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.

  ~ Budget, Budget, Budget!! I can not claim to be the know it all of finances, but this one seems like it's pretty basic knowledge. Granted I haven't chosen to utilize this knowledge at its best recently, but the knowledge is still there nonetheless. If you like many have never been taught how to budget I would suggest doing a web search. There are plenty of sites that not only provide wonderful info, but also offer budgeting tools. I would be cautious though for anything that requires payment, that might be an unnecessary cost.

Well I didn't have the intentions of giving a finance lesson. More so I just wanted to let anyone in on what has been going on with me as of late. I was pretty excited just now paying down size able amounts on some credit cards. Mostly I am excited to be getting myself to a place that is wholly focused on God, and what He wants for my life. I can not claim to have all the answers, but what I do have I give freely.


And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Seeking Character
 defines character as: The qualities that form the individual nature of a person or thing. Tommy Nelson describes character as 'things etched as deeply into a persons soul that they are lasting marks, not easily changed.'

         We all have character, some traits being more desirable than others. Meaning, we all can better ourselves. In the past year or so I have tried to make positive changes in myself. Some of those changes are in my character.

         I wouldn't want to give myself a false sense of self (character), or award myself with traits I don't actually possess. So I asked a few close friends to give me their top three character traits they can see in me. The first responded with determination, silliness, and positivity. The second: creativity, loyalty and determination. The third answered with: giving, forgiving and funny.

        I learned a little about myself. For one I didn't really see that I had determination. But if others (at least two people) can see it then I will own it! =) I know I am silly and I tend to think I am funny, but it is always a good feeling when others can appreciate those qualities. Like anyone I can get overwhelmed or frustrated, but I try to make the best of a situation, or see the best in people. I actively try to be positive. I have to say though my heart got joyful when I read that people see me as loyal, giving and forgiving.

       Forgiveness is something I have had to work on. Perhaps you've noticed in my prior posts. Forgiving is not something that comes easily for me.I do believe that forgiveness is probably the most important character trait anyone could ever have. Reason being; 1 John1:19 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." and Mark 11:25 "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in Heaven may forgive you your sins." - How can I expect (or even want) a God so Holy and perfect to forgive me when I, un-spotless/unclean/undeserving, can't/chooses not to forgive someone else?

       Loyalty just about as important. With loyalty comes trust and the respect. How can anyone trust someone who doesn't stick my their word? When you can't trust someone you'll never be able to respect them. In turn, if people can't trust you, you will never truly be respected.

       Lastly but not least, giving. I don't know many people (if any) who want to be known only as takers. Just like forgiveness, God first gave then we give. Giving comes in may forms; time, care, monetary, ect. Acts 20:35 "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words The Lord Himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

        I really rather like this list, but hope it doesn't end there. I don't think anyone could ever have to many good quality character traits on their list.

        All of this said I am currently in a life group that will be studying 'The Book of Romance' by Tommy Nelson. Tommy says (not verbatim) it is a requirement (for a happy and healthy relationship) that you must find someone who possesses good character traits. However, before we can expect it in others, we must first expect it ourselves.     So what are your character traits? What can I (any of us) better in my(our)selves?

          Seek your character, once you find it I hope it was worth looking for.

                                                   (Girl at Mirror by Norman Rockwell)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Seeing is believing right?



First of all, simply seeing something does not make it real. For example, if I were to show you a 'slide of hand' trick right now, doesn't mean that I actually made anything disappear.

Secondly, one can believe in things unseen. Faith being the best example I know of. The author of Hebrews tells us that: (reference 11:1)

 'Now Faith is being sure of things Hoped for and certain of what we do not see.'

I have never looked upon God's face, but I know in every fiber of my being that He is with out a doubt the most real anything in my life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Auto Focus

      Sometimes we (ourselves and non-believers) think that we (Christians) have God on auto focus. We assume that since we are believers that we automatically focus on God or see where and how God fits into any given situation(s).

      Well we don't have an auto focus button, that is not something we were equipped with. In reality God is a little more like one of those 'Magic Eye' pictures. The ones that while merely glancing at the 'big picture' it does not really look to have a purpose. Not saying that God doesn't have a purpose, but if we are not truly focusing on God then we can't really see Him.

     The more focus you have looking at a 'Magic Eye' picture the more of an actual picture you can see. Same with God, the more focus you have on God, and God's Kingdom the more we can see God in each and every facet of our lives. When we fix our eye upon God with enough focus you can see just how much God truly loves each and every single one of us!

Hebrews 12:2
Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our Faith, who for the Joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

( (btw if you click on the picture it will open up bigger.)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


"I Will Rise"

There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"

Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagles' wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise
I will rise

There's a day that's drawing near
When this darkness breaks to light
And the shadows disappear
And my faith shall be my eyes

Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagles' wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise
I will rise

And I hear the voice of many angels sing,
"Worthy is the Lamb"
And I hear the cry of
every longing heart,
"Worthy is the Lamb"

And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagles' wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise
I will rise

By: Chris Tomlin

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Okay... Bye!

By reading my past posts you may have noticed that I have faced some disagreeable moments. Those moments were due to the actions of one. I will not go into details or name anyone. That sort of callousness does not suit me.

Although I have no problem in saying the following
1.) I no longer wish to witness a deplorable 'sense of humor'.

2.) Nor do I want to witness miserable excuses about how everyone but yourself is to blame for your hatred.

We all have control of our own actions. I in control of mine, and you in control of yours.

Annie Dillard is quoted by Francis Chan as saying "How we live our days is ... how we live our lives."

I am not proud of all of my days, but that is how we learn and grow. I can honestly say (though I am not perfect by any means of the word) that I am not wholly dissatisfied with my life thus far.

With all of that said, good bye. Good bye to those who feed anger and hate but starve love and kindness.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Go suck on a lemon!

It is no mystery that there are mean spirited people who thrive on spewing unkind words. They direct their vile poison specifically or they are coy enough to hide behind sarcasm. Which is intended to hurt, not to be funny.

My response would be:

Go suck on a lemon!

That way you have a reason to spit out something so sour.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I can do anything you can do better...

It is a sad moment when you realize just how many people thrive on hate.

The sadder moment is when you realize how much hate you yourself are willing to show.

Picture taken from

We all can often times think of new and pettier things to do to those who we feel have hurt us. Some choose to act on those thoughts. Some choose not to. I also find myself in moments such as these. From time to time I choose to take the easier road, and act just as ugly and petty as others. When faced with such times a question we can ask ourselves is this, 'Would I by,     (insert action here)        glorify God?' If the answer is, 'No.' why waste our time and efforts on said action? Better option would be to take the road less traveled and use our time and efforts for God's glory! Not only would we be glorifying to God, but in turn we will be enhancing our relationship with God. Then we can enhance our relationship with others. I think this time I will be choosing God's road. It may be narrow and less traveled but at least I will not be traveling alone.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Unknown

At the beginning of each year most people find themselves wondering what the new year will bring. Will they find success. Will something tragic happen. Will they keep their new years resolutions. Or could it be just another year.

I find myself wanting to say so much, but not really sure what it is I want to say. I want to make this year profound. I want 'it' to mean something. Not just to me, but to all I share my days with. I wish I could blog everyday with something new and amazing to give to those who may or may not read this. I want to leave some kind of significant mark.

In the past 40 days or so I have said goodbye to three people. The first was someone I hadn't really spoken to in about 15 years, and at that I don't think I could say that Trevor was more than someone I knew from gradeschool. Still yet, I find myself thinking about him and what kinda of signigicant mark he left. For a fairly small community to loose someone so young, leaves a lasting impression. His mark, whatever that may look like has been left. The second would be my dad's Aunt Betty. I remember her being sweet at all times. She was older, and lived a long and full life. Family and friends will remember her for her kind and loving heart. She left her mark. The third and most recent being (another of my dad's aunts) Edith. I type this section with a heavy heart. She was a wonderful lady. Always ready to accept anyone into the family. When my own grandmother (her sister) passed in 1998, her and another Aunt did all they could to take the place of their sister. Plenty of laughs and memories to look back on. She too left her mark.

I can not say with certainty what all my future has in store. Or what kind of mark I will make for myself. However, I do know that the best way to predict the future is to create it, and that we live our lives the way we live our days.

John M. Richardson Jr is quoted as saying, "When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: Those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened."

I know which type I want to be. Do you?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Settling in.

Well I took the previously mentioned step. Although it has been slow going, I feel like I might be starting to settle in. I am now a loan coordinator, instead of a teller. There already has been some challenges. Going from something one knows fairly well to something unknown can be and often times is quite overwhelming. This is only the start though and there is much to be learned. Which means a lot more obstacles to overcome. So, I am far from really being settled into this new job. But I feel very confidant in my Lord carrying me through it all! God works in some pretty amazing ways, as I am not the only one in my life going through this type of transition. Which means we get to share in the stress and joys together.

 Along with changes at work (with this being the new year and all) I want to make some other change in my life.

One; becoming free of debt.  I don't want to waste one second of my life worrying about money. I understand things in life happen from time to time, but why choose to sit back and not plan for the future?

The second; is to be  better about sending
birthday cards. This one might seem kinda silly, but I want to make sure the people in my life know that they are important to me.

The third being; more healthy. I'm not going to say I will loose weight or diet. However, I would like to be able to say I do what I can to stay healthy.

 All of that being said, most importantly I want God to be at the center of my life at all times. Its always good to have goals, and to achieve those goals; but what's the use in attaining anything if God is not your ultimate focus? Thus far I can not think of one single moment in my life or anything I have ever done that was worth doing when God wasn't at the fore front.