Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Year, New You!

This is a little early.... But we only have a little over 45 days until we start making our new, new years resolutions! I haven't ever really made new years resolutions. Mostly because I don't commit to them. Last year I made the exception and vowed to be healthier and to be better about my finances. Though I never put any specifics with that, I have gotten better at both. I still have a little bit of time to get even better. So, I am going to re-re-restart working out. This time I am going to be specific. It's easier to let things slide when you have only committed to yourself. But now, I am going to actually put this on the interwebs!! Maybe it will help me stick with it. I have already made the commitment not to drink Dr. Pepper until March of next year (this has not been the easiest of pledges, but so far, I am holding on). My next choice is to loose at least a total of 11 pounds. That might seem a little drastic, but I am estimating that about 6 pounds of that being my normal fluctuating weight. As I am in a up in fluctuation and haven't been great about drinking my water. Plus, I am a short girl and a little... shows a lot! I am not expecting this to be easy (as it is the Holiday season....), but I can SO do this. And who knows, maybe next year I will make a REAL new years resolution!